Thursday, August 6, 2009

HUoH MA!! Si beh thia ar!

Morning at school learn science, the teach bout something something lar. Then left 2ominutes to other period. Teacher show us 2012 video. Its about planet-x Gonna crash with out earth. Chap siao Ar :D Then after the period, go take picture!! yeah yeah!! peace~ V

Afternoon, my van pang seh me. Ga ni neh! Waiting for 30 minutes wait for him. And dint come and pick me also. So call my mum that my school dint come and pick, then walk go to forest spring. Saw Ah Jin, Daniel, and Jordan. Then ask Ah Jin send to me Dentist there. 3.40pm go in the office. Then wait lor. Suddenly my mum come . I waited for 2 peoples and then??? My turn?!!! SE~CARED AR!! Go sit at the chair. OMG!! Look at the weapon! DAMN IT!!! Sih bei sharp ar!! Chap siao ar. Then suffer for half hour the repair my tooth. haih!! Then go pay the bil. How much??? MA!!! Rm210 AR!! fewh!! Go home and look at the mirror. Wowww~~~ Look so fresh ~ hihi~ And now 11.10pm. My tooth still painful . Awww~~

That's all!! :)

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