Monday, August 31, 2009

The holidayzZzZ

23th till 30th of august , every night at Ranger work. Today 31st August. Happy birthday Malaysia, hope the chief minister die as soon as possible. So old liao, still don wan to die. -.-
Today woke up at 12pm something, go bath and we have plan to go out for the last day of holiday. So Jaypee msg me that they are odw to pick me up now. At first , we went to bdc reload out phone first, then wan go to spring eat but rain already and don have any parking space. Then race to Hock Lee Centre and play game. Play Initial-D lost to Jaypee twice. Hao lien meh? :D Then don wan play liao. So he race with Jay Chow Dad, subaru. And i wanna bet with him, if he win i chia him pearl milk tea, if he lose , he chia me the same thing. Ke Leng Ke Si like that, at last also lost mar :D Ask him chia me , don wan then give me so many excuses. -.- Then we moved on to kenyalang and eat. After eat , we went to buy disc. Then go spring walk walk lo. Nothing to do also. So many leng lui at The Spring :D lao nua ~ uh uh~ :D'.'.'.' hehe!!

Thats all for today !! Holiday finish lur! Bye bye holiday T.T

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