Wednesday, August 26, 2009


7something at night came back from playing ball at laksamana. Bath-ed finish my mum pick me for dinner. Then Jaypee called me and ask me where am I. Im at E-taste , somewhere near RH plaza Taka cake house. Then Jaycee picked me and go to D'Ranger . Saw kolomee wong and Daniel Ho. They was singing at there, Ask me to sing song. Only 2 songs. Enrique Iglases- Hero And MJ - You are not alone. After that, they went off. Waited for the customer to move. We wait till 1.30am then the customer went off. Then close the bar. After that, Jaycee, Jaypee and ME go to King Centre siang siang eat. At first we ordered 1 kolomee special each people. After finish the food, Jaypee said he is still hungry. So he ordered another kolomee special for us. We all finish the food and feel so full! So we at 2 bowls of kolomee special. LUL!! Then?!?!?!?!?!?!!! I accidently poured my drink at my pants. ~.~ After i dried my pants we went off , then go home liao.

That's all for today :)

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